Silly Kitty Stories
Submit YOUR Silly Kitty Story !!

The Squirrel
see susan
see susan find
a baby grey squirrel
in the parking lot
by the garages
instead of safe at home
in the woods
behind the office
which is up
an entire flight of stairs
see susan
try to coax the squirrel
and realize
it's eyes have only just opened
see susan
watch for the mamma squirrel
and watch
and watch
no mamma squirrel
see susan
finally give in
and take the squirrel home
see kitty
who still remembers last year's bunny bouncing
watch intently
as the squirrel
takes up residence
in the spare tub
see kitty
try to help susan
feed the squirrel
see kitty
guard the bathroom door from intruders
see kitty
try to inspect the squirrel
every chance he gets
and even hide in the bathroom
so he can better guard the squirrel
see kitty
on the day
susan leaves with the squirrel
and comes home empty handed
see kitty
and glare
"i was good
and you still didn't give me
the present
after you fattened it up"
see kitty
ignore susan
for several days
and spend his nights
on the couch
instead of on the pillow
by her head
mad, mad kitty
In memory of Onyx, who really just wanted the squirrel for lunch
September 2, 1989 to April 11, 1999
Submitted by Susan Zeigler
Copyright © 1999 & 2000 Susan E. Zeigler
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Any and All suggestions welcome.
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