Bunny Bouncing
Round 2
see neal
come for a visit
see neal
stop by the apartment
before meeting
susan and bryan
for lunch
and decide to take
a shower
see neal
carefully move the box
see neal
leave the box
closed on the bathroom floor
and go to lunch
see neal
and susan
and bryan
eating lunch
see neal's eyes raise
but it's ok,
I closed the top
see susan
kowing there's one bunny who
knows how to escape
from the closed box
see susan
open the apartment door
again expecting the worst
see kitty
racing from one side of the computer desk
to the other
leaping over a pile of books
and then fly
to the corner by the bookshelf
and scramble back
under the desk
see bunny
the very same bunny
hopping back and forth
along the wall
keeping behind the desk
and the bookshelf
where kitty can't quite fit
see susan
catch kitty
see kitty
very annoyed
see susan
put kitty in the bedroom
and coax a tiny bit
of brown fluff
out from under the desk
happy, happy bunny
to be back in his box
Thus concluded Game 2 of the Bunny Bouncing Series.
That smallest bunny had figured out how to get out through the slit in
the top of the box. Needless to say, after this episode, Onyx was even
more interested in the sliding tub door and what was on the other side.
Since the bunny was getting larger Onyx had more incentive to try the
leap over the tub doors. I decided it was getting to a point where he
might chance it--possibility of water or not. I began closing the
bathroom door as well.
Although this did eliminate the "jump factor," it encouraged "door
pawing". He would stand on his hind feet and pound his paws on the door.
(When outdoors, he would do this to signal me it was time to come in.)
He learned that not only does a wood door make considerably more noise
than a glass one, it annoys "Mom" more too;-)
In memory of Onyx, ever the sleek prowler
September 2, 1989 to April 11, 1999
Submitted by Susan Zeigler
Copyright © 1999 & 2000 Susan E. Zeigler
All Rights Reserved