- Thank you for visiting our pages.
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: June Sadler E-Mail: < starship.persian%20%40%20ntlworld.com>
Comments: Fantastic web site with beautiful colour point cats
Located in: Northampton, UK - on Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 12:52:52 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Rebecca Dufilie E-Mail: < r.s.d.%20%40%20snet.net>
URL: http://EchoMtnC1.homestead.com/EMCPhotoGallery.html
Comments: Nice website to visit all the different sites. PS I tried joining the webring and it called for a # which
do not have, just to let you know. Enjoyed your site. Stop by and visit mine with 12 pages of
beautiful photos and stories to tell plus links to my other websites. Enjoy!
Located in: Vernon, CT USA - on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 06:25:59 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Sheila Walker E-Mail: < markcaldwell%20%40%20l7kensington.net>
URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/enfield/93/
Comments: As a cat lover i thought this was a great web site.
Located in: Liverpool, United Kingdom - on Sunday, May 27, 2001 at 09:49:14 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Teresa E-Mail: < tcasella%20%40%20srv.net>
URL: http://www.srv.net/~tcasella
Comments: Loved visiting the Peek-a-boo gang! Thanks for inviting us over to play and keep up the great work!
ID USA - on Sunday, May 20, 2001 at 16:03:18 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: jennifer
Comments: beautiful just beautiful!!!I'm very much a cat lover!!!!
NSW Australia - on Friday, May 18, 2001 at 06:47:27 (CDT) 
Posted By: Baumgartner Maggy E-Mail: < Charles.Baumgartner%20%40%20span.ch>
Comments: Hello Jane, Very happy to have surfed on your website. I'll already know all your cats but it is funny to see them on my
screen. As I know you are a perfect Cats'photograph. I had seen it with my girls and with Histoire d'Amour.
Bravo pour ton travail et j'espère que nous pourrons continuer à collaborer encore longtemps.
Big Kisses to you all.
Charly and Maggy
Located in: Montreux, Switzerland - on Friday, May 11, 2001 at 14:08:39 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.hirscheez.com/index.html Hirscheez Cattery
Posted By: josey lippold E-Mail: < lippy%20%40%20chesapeake.net>
URL: www.joshimpurrs.com
Comments: Beautiful kits - nice web site - now I got to see Mischief's half sister and brother and no doubt they are as sweet as she is - thanks for inviting me to your site - love the seals and choc's
Located in: St. Leonard, Md USA - on Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 13:23:44 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Mandy & Scarlett E-Mail: < mandilyn%20%40%20bellsouth.net>
URL: http://www.i-love-cats.com/meow/scarlett
Comments: Great site! So much to see! Thank you for sending us a link. When Meowmie gets a little cash, I want one of those Peek-A-Boos! Hehehehe. I love to play and those look like something that would keep me busy for a while! Thank you! Meows and Purrs!
FL USA - on Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 18:59:15 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: \
Comments: \
USA - on Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 12:42:03 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.hirscheez.com/index.html Hirscheez Cattery
Posted By: Gayla Johnson E-Mail: < gayla2000%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Ada-
I just wanted you to know that Lacy is doing great! She is happy and healthy and very loved. We call her "Shadow" because she follows us around the house like a puppy dog! She is a wonderful cat!
Located in: Jax, FL USA - on Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 10:51:40 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Frank E-Mail: < paininthearse66%20%40%20email.com>
URL: http://www.gloryempire.de
Comments: Visit www.gloryempire.de
Located in: C-Town, Sa Germany - on Friday, May 04, 2001 at 13:34:34 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Elaine Richardson E-Mail: < elaine%20%40%20pendlemist.fsnet.co.uk>
URL: http://www.pendlemist.com
Comments: Congratulations on a very comprehensive and well laid out set of pages. Everything on hand for worldwide lovers of fantastic felines - long may the
good work continue !!!
Located in: Plymouth, United Kingdom - on Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 17:47:53 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Kim McCreary E-Mail: < kmcreary%20%40%20gisco.net>
Comments: I visit your website often, you cats and kittens are beautiful. I have a chocolate point & a seal point himi. I have been looking for a solid red and yours are simple striking.
Located in: Watertown, NY USA - on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 19:10:55 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: HALI s.r.o. E-Mail: < hali%20%40%20volny.cz>
URL: http://www.hali.cz
Comments: Don't miss the last chanse to catch the Stony Bohemia tour on 21st of May! For more info visit http://www.hali.cz/en/tour_7.html
Located in: Prague, Czech Republic - on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 04:47:11 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Susan Charming E-Mail: < susan_charming%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Lilli:
Thanks so much for all your advice, I love your kittens. They are very cute. I wish you had one available!
Located in: Springfield, VA USA - on Friday, April 27, 2001 at 15:35:22 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Miguelito E-Mail: < xx%20%40%20miguelito.com>
URL: http://www.chicken-boy.org
Comments: The truth behind Chicken Boy is plain to see.
He wants the works in the galleries all to be free.
While we spray and we paste and we glue through the night,
We all know that we're fighting for what's right.
Texas USA - on Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 03:17:31 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: matt E-Mail: < chezrascals%20%40%20cwcom.net>
URL: http://www.chezrascals.cwc.net
Comments: hi
uk - on Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 13:56:12 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.puppystation.com/index.html Katsation's Pugs
Posted By: leanne E-Mail: < leannebraysha4%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: i think it is a good idia to have the intanet i love animals espesshly cats and kittens
they are so efecshent my ant toni has one cat and she is getting a kitten and she is giving me her rabbit because i have a rabbit called bugsie i had two but she died she was called bonnie!
Located in: hull, england - on Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 10:27:40 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Elinora Inga Sigurdardottir E-Mail: < elinoras%20%40%20royalnatural.com>
URL: http://www.elinoras.com
Comments: Congradulations! A very fine website.
Located in: Reykjavik, Iceland - on Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 10:24:51 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Patty E-Mail: < pam2y%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Thank for all of your help Lilli! Especially considering the fact that you didn’t even have any babies available for me! You’ve answered all of my questions and even managed to educate me enough so that other breeders think I’m a breeder – apparently I know too much about pedigrees. Well, I owe it all to you. And now I’ll be taking home two little babies next month that I’m sure will be great because all of the guidance you’ve given me. Again, thanks for everything and good luck to you, your kitties, and your horses!
Located in: Manassas, VA USA - on Friday, April 20, 2001 at 16:24:48 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Robyn Miller E-Mail: < rmiller%20%40%20ascii.com>
Comments: looking for a nice pet not too expensive.......
Located in: Laurel, MD USA - on Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 07:21:32 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
URL: http://www.islandia.is/odinn
Good webpage you have here,
You are WELCOME to visit my webpage
Located in: Reykjavik, ICELAND - on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 19:08:18 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: HALI s.r.o. E-Mail: < hali%20%40%20volny.cz>
URL: http://www.hali.cz
Comments: The spring in Prague is the most terrific time worthy to spend in. For more info http://www.hali.cz
Located in: Prague, Cz - on Monday, April 09, 2001 at 07:45:34 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.dacotahcats.com/index.html Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Wanda Younger E-Mail: < LeCapri%20%40%20home.com>
URL: http://www.i-love-cats.com/meow/lecapri/index.html
Comments: Wonderful cats! Very nice website!
Located in: Decatur, IL USA - on Sunday, April 08, 2001 at 21:28:31 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Becky E-Mail: < Riddells23%20%40%20aol.com>
URL: http://hometown.aol.com/riddells23/index.html
Comments: Hello, your page is so nice. Your cats and kittens are so beautiful. And so well care for. I had a nice time visiting your site. I also used your send a kitty cards to send some cards to my friends. I also added my site to your links page. Just had to tell you that I loved your site. Please come by and see us sometime. Thanks.
Ky USA - on Thursday, April 05, 2001 at 23:23:51 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: greg schaefer E-Mail: < snowymountainpyrs%20%40%20msn.com>
Comments: Hi! i just recently purchased a purebred female himalayan bluepoint.Iam very much an animal enthusiast.My wife just recently purchased a male seal point.I really love this breed of cat and would like to really get to know more about them. Do you recommend any books?By the way i really enjoyed your site.I would also possibly be interested in getting a third cat in the future.I would be interested in your cats!Please contact me and we can chat.
thank you, greg schaefer
Located in: lake elsinore, ca USA - on Thursday, April 05, 2001 at 22:34:55 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html Persian House Cattery
Posted By: malin sundqvist E-Mail: < m.sundqvist%20%40%20swipnet.se>
URL: http://home.swipnet.se/arzish
Comments: Congratulations to beautiful cats! My special favourites are Juky Olen Nikol (what a lady!) and Artic Blue. I wish you the very best for the future.
Sweden - on Monday, April 02, 2001 at 12:50:35 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Darleen Bullock E-Mail: < darleenb%20%40%20earthlink.net>
Comments: Beautiful cats!
Located in: Greeneville, TN USA - on Monday, April 02, 2001 at 08:07:54 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: jill rygwalski E-Mail: < jrygwalski%20%40%20sprynet.com>
Comments: Lilli is one of the nicest, patient and knowledgeable breeders I have met. She truely takes an interest in sending her babies to good families, and in answering all of your questions. I can't wait to adopt one of her kittens--I feel like I'm really getting a gift.
Located in: woodbridge, va USA - on Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 12:01:03 (CDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Jacqui Ann Johnson E-Mail: < jacquiscats%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Come to my site....It's new and I will be updating it as much as I can. My site is about cats (they are cool). I have food reipes, links, chats and a lot of other things! Please come and tell your friends about it. If you want, you can put your site on my links. Also visit my friend's site, kissenthecats.homestead.com/brittshomepage
So come to my site!
Located in: Lakeside, CA USA - on Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 19:18:15 (CST) 
Posted By: Barb Bartol E-Mail: < bbartol%20%40%20maine.rr.com>
Comments: Beautiful Cats and Kittens. I loved them all! Do they like pups? I have several Papillons that just love to play with my Siamsese - such fun!
Located in: Portland, ME USA - on Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 11:09:19 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: El Desperado E-Mail: < el_desperado%20%40%20hotmail.com>
URL: http://home.wanadoo.nl/ploeger/
Comments: Great site!! please visit my site also (biograhies of rappers, movie stars, dowload software like napster and many nice pictures)
USA - on Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 05:28:12 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Sharon Cuff E-Mail: < sharon.cuff%20%40%20prgx.com>
Comments: Beautiful cats, I can't wait to see the kittens.
Located in: Roswell, GA USA - on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 10:20:42 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Irena E-Mail: < iratkach%20%40%20hotmail.com>
URL: http://irena_tkach.tripod.com/
Comments: Very warm feelings after visiting your site. Good luck to you all!
Located in: Nahariya, Israel - on Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 16:38:18 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Andree
Comments: Well, let me summarize it...
A very helpful page :o)!
Beautiful music for free: http://www.mp3.com/oozak
Germany - on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 09:43:03 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Anne Savage E-Mail: < Jypsey%20%40%20earthlink.net>
Comments: Hi,
You website is great. I especially enjoyed reading your advise on adopting a kitten. I was very good. Thanks for all of the tips.
Located in: Mandeville, LA USA - on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 00:44:47 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Elaine Gagnon E-Mail: < atlabels%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: I love your himmies! Thank you so much for allowing me the pleasure of viewing them. I have a sweet himmie of my own. He is just a pet and not a show quality beauty like you have. His name is Rhythm and Blue (call name Sam) and he is of course a blue point. His mother is Ms Tara Oh So Blue (blue point) and his father is Branvel Sir Rhett (flame point).
Again... Thank you!
Located in: Chesterfield, MI USA - on Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 18:19:47 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Jari Peltonen E-Mail: < jari111%20%40%20excite.com>
URL: http://sivut.koti.soon.fi/polit
Comments: Hi,
Greetings from Finland.
Located in: Tampere, FINLAND - on Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 15:06:21 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Rosalyn McDonald E-Mail: < RozMcDonald%20%40%20netscape.net>
Comments: Miettecats, meaning something small and beautiful, is a very fitting name. Such a beautiful line of cats, under the care of "Une Belle Personne" (A Beautiful Person), Ms. Christine Rollinson.
Located in: Southfield, MI USA - on Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 15:37:52 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Bob power E-Mail: < power%20%40%20accex.net>
Comments: Hi chris how ya doin, like your new site. Bob
Located in: Apple Valley, Ca USA - on Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 23:05:43 (CST) 
Posted By: robin mcguirt E-Mail: < wimcguir%20%40%20gateway.net>
Comments: Thank you for a wonderful addition to our family. Sebastian is the coolest cat I have ever meet.He was worth all we went through.
Located in: winston-salem, nc USA - on Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 17:50:44 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Jacque Lawson E-Mail: < afuturestar%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Thanks for the valuable info on new born kittens. My cat just birthed (?) them and I was panicking for information! Any more tips on new kittens would be much appreciated. P.S. We have 3 healthy, beautiful kitties. One boy and two girls. Dad is grey and white (tabby?) and mom is a calico. No calico babies, but one b/w one g/w and one beige.
Located in: Burbank, CA USA - on Saturday, March 03, 2001 at 17:58:35 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: C&C
Comments: all our cats died in the floods!!!!!!!!!!
we are so happy without the bother!!!!!
life is wonderful!!!!!
Located in: City, 39 Mozambique - on Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 08:24:23 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: mark E-Mail: < adamscom%20%40%20aol.com>
Comments: Very interesting site
USA - on Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 01:53:32 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: H-Virus & FDL E-Mail: < fdlrules%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Hello, we are from Holland we have our own site and the subject is alcohol!
Located in: Heemskerk, NH NED - on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 05:44:17 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: R. Isherwood E-Mail: < kt_racing%20%40%20hotmail.com>
URL: http://ktracing.com
Comments: Enjoyed visiting your site...Our site is about Snowmobile Racing in Saskatchewan. Schedules, free classified ads, bulletin board of upcoming events, photos, extensive
links to Vintage Sled sites, racing, performance and the largest Snowmobile Tech Information link site on the Web. Last Mountain Motor Sports
Located in: Nokomis, Sk. Canada - on Monday, February 26, 2001 at 11:55:32 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Keith E-Mail: < tpgolf%20%40%20themail.com>
URL: http:go.to/tpgolf
Comments: Took in two farm cats and they both have turned into great house cats. Ammazing how they can go from being wild cats to being domesticated.
USA - on Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 20:16:56 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Lilli Anderson E-Mail: < l.anderson%20%40%20erols.com>
Comments: Christine:
Thank you so much for my precious babies. I am honored to have my Miettecats. I looked long and hard for outstanding quality and temperament; I found that with the little ones I got from you. I will treasure them always as they bring me so much joy and what great temperaments they have. Thanks again so much Christine, you are the greatest.
Lilli of BeauGatos Cats
Located in: Warrenton, VA USA - on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 17:12:57 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Lil Borg E-Mail: < catladyborg%20%40%20netscape.net>
URL: http://www.dacotahcats.com
Comments: You are right the breed would have to start somewhere and it would take two cats.
Ann Baker started the breed in the mid 60's with Johsephene a persian "type" cat,
there has been some disareement as to weather the father was a burman, but this is
the most told story,and breed back to a burmese. Ann was a very strange lady
and not everything she said was believable. Her story was that Josephene was hit by a
truck, this knocked her genitics off a gog, and that is the origination of the ragdoll.
I have never heard of any siamese in the breed. Whatever it was it made a wonderful
cat ,and the breeders today are working hard at keeping it that way,and I wish
someone would write a book on Ann Baker,it would be great. Lil Borg Ragdoll breeder
Located in: Valley City, ND USA - on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 07:55:32 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: DDixson E-Mail: < dixsondm%20%40%20home.com>
Comments: Your Katsation site is beautiful! I have a question though. I took in a stray tabby about 10 years ago, and soon after she had a litter of kits. They all had some sort of siamese traits, but one (the one we kept) looked to be a text-book Rag Doll. He has been with us all this time, and I often wonder if Rag Dolls were originally the result of two breeds, such as this. If anyone can clue me in, I'd appredciate it. Thanks
Located in: Spokane, Washington USA - on Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 03:57:43 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Robert Raile E-Mail: < robert%20%40%20raile.de>
URL: http://www.ct24.net
Great Website!
I´ve lost my inspiration somewhere around at the internetuniverse.
Must hold on to find it...
Located in: Albstadt, BW Germany - on Saturday, February 17, 2001 at 17:48:21 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Susanna Lindkvist E-Mail: < pocahontas%20%40%20telia.com>
URL: http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24303156
Comments: Very nice site ,loved your coonie babies..
Sweden - on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 01:35:22 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Lisa Shotwell E-Mail: < megash5%20%40%20hightec.com>
Comments: This is the most SUPER web site I have seen while looking for a kitten for my mother.
I love the music and all the beautiful pictures. I hope to be a proud owner of one your
next litter of persians. Thank you for the great web site to view.
Located in: Pensacola, Fl USA - on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 20:11:12 (CST) 
Posted By: Bob and Carol
Comments: How's my pup, Belle? She looks great! Love ya--MOM.
Located in: Lihue, HI USA - on Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 18:40:11 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Bertha Knighton-Fuller E-Mail: < chesternapola%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: I am looking for a breeder for a 13month old long hair blue point Himalayan and one that is respectable and clean and registered
Located in: Tulsa, Ok USA - on Saturday, February 10, 2001 at 14:29:07 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Deb Kohaut E-Mail: < Exquisite Paws%20%40%20aol.com>
Comments: Thank you so very much for letting me adopt, 2 wonderful Himmies, Christine. They will be a beautiful asset to my breeding program. Your expertise, patience and help has been immeasurable. You are truly a gift to the world of Himalayans. Thank you so very much, my new "kids" are beautiful, well socialized, loving and so very intelligent. I am proud to say that my kids came from your cattery. God Bless you Christine, and thank you. Deb Kohaut of Exquisite Paws
Located in: Fort Wayne, IN USA - on Saturday, February 10, 2001 at 09:41:00 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/kar/index.html Karabel Cattery
Posted By: Irina E-Mail: < monkado%20%40%20mail.ru>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/monkado_cfa
Comments: Hello from Russia: I have just had the pleasure of viewing your beautiful webpage! Your cats and kittens are very lovely. Wishing you continued success. Sincerely, Irina.
Located in: Moscow, Russia - on Friday, February 09, 2001 at 22:14:16 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://persianhousecats.com/index.html Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Irina E-Mail: < monkado%20%40%20mail.ru>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/monkado_cfa
Comments: Hello from Russia: I have just had the pleasure of viewing your beautiful webpage! Your cats and kittens are very lovely. Wishing you continued success. Sincerely, Irina.
Located in: Moscow, Russia - on Friday, February 09, 2001 at 22:08:00 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://persianhousecats.com/index.html Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Marianne Groven E-Mail: < purrbox%20%40%20c2i.net>
URL: http://home.c2i.net/purrbox
Comments: Hi Jane, congratulations with your new arrivals, they look wonderful, I sure like the eyecolor on the bluepoint girl!! Also wanted to tell you, Artic Blue's daughter, my zot baby Purrbox Jewel Cut was National best Exotic Kitten and Kitten of the
year # 6 in Norway 2000, and Artic Blue's litter brother Artic Duke is sire of KITTEN OF THE YEAR 2000, so a great year up here both for me and the himalayans. Best of luck to you!
Love, Marianne:-)
Located in: Oslo, NORWAY - on Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 18:28:59 (CST) 
Posted By: Ernie E-Mail: < eldake%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://www.edake.com/
Comments: Just stopped by to look at your site. Thanks!
Located in: Norcross, GA USA - on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 19:57:45 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: DJ Jakesh
URL: http://www.nationvide.com
Comments: good page, keep it up
Located in: Shiraz, Iran USA - on Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 18:50:34 (CST) 
March 13, 2003 - November 16, 2003
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