- Thank you for visiting our pages.
Feedback for: http://www.dacotahcats.com/index.html - Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Victoria Makosov E-Mail: < lightair%20%40%20makosov.com>
URL: http://www.makosov.com
Comments: Hi! It was a pleasure to find your site and to see your cats! Your cats are excellent!!!!! I'm just happy to exchange banner with you. Best regards to your cats from our cats!:-))))) Vicky.
Moscow, Russia - on Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 05:07:11 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Victoria Makosov E-Mail: < lightair%20%40%20makosov.com>
URL: http://www.makosov.com
Comments: Hi! Nice to visit your site again. It is as always a pleasure. Best regards, Vicky.
Moscow, Russia - on Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 05:05:27 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Anya E-Mail: < anyasheaven%20%40%20msn.com>
URL: http://home.no.net/anyas
Comments: ... ~ WOW!!!
Impressed greetings from Anya
Norway - on Monday, January 28, 2002 at 22:38:35 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Enid Calvert. E-Mail: < cyenor%20%40%20rogers.com>
Comments: Hi there,You have wonderful cats /kittens!!! Lovely website too.I shall visit again:)Best wishes from Canada.
Located in: Caledon, ON Canada - on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 08:25:00 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Satu Lahtinen & Marko Lammi E-Mail: < wordsworth%20%40%20kolumbus.fi>
URL: http://www.kolumbus.fi/wordsworth/
Comments: Hi Jane!
Thank you for signing our guestbook! You have many lovely himalayan cats !
All the best in the future
Satu and Marko
Located in: Pori, Finland - on Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 16:00:58 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Ted E-Mail: < ted%20%40%20aruba-search.com>
URL: http://www.aruba-search.com
Comments: Very nice site. Looks like you spent quite a bit of time on it. Enjoyed surfing in and visiting. I had a cat when I was a kid and we just got one for our children.
Located in: San Bernardino, Ca United States - on Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 10:33:31 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: ThaiAm E-Mail: < gb%20%40%20ronbingham.com>
URL: http://www.thaiam.com
Comments: You have a very nice site. I love cats!
Please visit our site:
Located in: San Francisco, CA USA - on Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 15:14:04 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: malin sundqvist E-Mail: < malin.sundqvist%20%40%20bredband.net>
URL: http://home.swipnet.se/arzish
Comments: Thank you for the visit at my site and signing my guestbook. It was a pleasure to visit your site and your flamepoint female kittens are STUNNING!
I wish you the very best for the future.
Located in: västerås, sweden - on Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 04:19:05 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Dagmar E-Mail: < dpatkova%20%40%20volny.cz>
URL: http://www,eurosta.cz/deste
Comments: Thank you for your message to my guestbook. I know Your cats and websites very well and I return to them very often. All your cats and kittens are beautiful. I like Alina's Crimson Daisy the most, the cat is gorgeous. I love her with all my heart. Good luck for your breeding program and best wishes in the future. Dagmar
Located in: Zlin, Czech Republic - on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 13:01:05 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Romain Abos E-Mail: < chatterie-d-ispahan%20%40%20caramail.com>
URL: http://site.voila.fr/chatterie_d_ispahan_
Comments: Hi Jane!
Your site is always better and your cats are wonderful.
I enjoy visiting your site very often.
Best regards
Located in: Thoiry, France - on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 10:58:52 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Marina Panfilova E-Mail: < prestega%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/prestega
Comments: Hello! I really enjoyed from my visit here. Wonderful cats. My best wishes...
Located in: Moscow, Russia - on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 06:41:56 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Joseph Fenech Laudi E-Mail: < jfl_mla%20%40%20hotmail.com>
URL: http://www.welcome.to/honeyblisspersians
Comments: Thanks for visiting my website. I enjoyed visiting yours and viewing your nice cats. Best Regards, J. Fenech Laudi - Malta
Located in: Pembroke, Malta - on Monday, January 21, 2002 at 13:08:19 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html - BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Janet Miller E-Mail: < janmil%20%40%20midsouth.rr.com>
URL: Http://www.homestead.com/janmil/index.html
Comments: Hello,
I have enjoyed my visit to your web site and seeing your beautiful cats.
Best Wishes,
Located in: Memphis, Tn. USA - on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 23:14:39 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html - BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Goldenheartcats E-Mail: < goldenheartcats%20%40%20prodigy.net>
URL: http://www.goldenheart.net
Comments: Hello, just stopped to let you know I really enjoyed visiting your web site! Best Wishes!
USA - on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 18:39:35 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Betty E-Mail: < skybank%20%40%20tpg.com.au>
URL: http://www.users.bigpond.com/skybank/
Comments: I have enjoyed visiting your web site & seeing those gorgeous cats & kittens that you have.
Best wishes in your future breeding plans with Greetings from
Skybank Cattery
Located in: Launceston, Tas. Australia - on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 15:04:02 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Aljona & Vladimir Bukalov E-Mail: < purring%20%40%20te.net.ua>
URL: http://purring.narod.ru
Comments: Hi dear Sue.
3,5 years your magnificent cats share my home. They bring to my cattery new wave-staggering type with nice,very good open eyes.
Thank you very much to you for Ch Katsation's Krooner and Ch Katsation's Kisses & Hugs.They are the treasure for me.
I thankful fate for Krooner and Hugy arrived from so nice home,where you put the heart and the soul into every cat.
I love to much all your cats and we wait new female for Krooner.
Best regards to all.
Aljona & Vladimir Bukalov.Odessa.Ukraine.
Located in: Odessa, Ukraine - on Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 04:11:20 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: brenda E-Mail: < henrychad%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://members.tripod.com/brenda3
Comments: I love cats
Located in: Calgary, AB Canada - on Friday, January 18, 2002 at 20:07:37 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Sheila de Liziê Passos Costa E-Mail: < donscandalcats%20%40%20donscandalcats.com>
Comments: Dear Jane,
Many thanks for your kinds words about my Cattery.
Your cats are lovely, and I really adored "Dayse"...she has a sweet expression, and very deep blue eyes.
I wish you all the best!
Located in: Belo Horizonte, MG BRAZIL - on Friday, January 18, 2002 at 15:32:10 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.persianhousecats.com/index.html - Persian House Cattery
Posted By: Jimmy & Jeanette E-Mail: < lesami%20%40%20heaven.dk>
Comments: Dear Jane!It was very kind of you to take the time and sign my guestbook.I have visit you before,but I still enjoy my visit every times.Your homepage is so beautiful,easy to navigate and full of lovely pictures of your wonderful cats.
I just wanted to mention how beautiful the cats are on your site.My favourite is still your girl Daisy,she is so adorable.
But your little kittens "Melodie"(wonderful name)have stolen my heart,please send her to Denmark:-)
My compliments to all your beautiful cats.
Be sure I will visit you and your gorgeous cats soon again.
Friendly from Cattery Lesami.
Denmark - on Friday, January 18, 2002 at 14:42:47 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Larry
URL: http://www.529educationplan.com
Comments: Great website!
USA - on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 21:18:04 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.puppystation.com/index.html - Katsation's Pugs
Posted By: Dawn Starnes E-Mail: < info%20%40%20dogsbyd.com>
Comments: Great site!
USA - on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 19:22:34 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Monica
Comments: Hi there... I absolutely like the Cats photos, I adore all type of animals specially Cats. It's a very nice site, I'll be coming back more often ;) Please take a look at my cat page and dont forget sign the guestbook!:) http://www.geocities.com/horacio1298/flakeythecat.html
NY USA - on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 14:29:39 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Kelley E-Mail: < ForDsLove%20%40%20aol.com>
Comments: I absolutely adore your shaded silver and silver chinchilla babies. I hope to do adopt one or two from you when they become available. Once again...Beautiful kittens!
Located in: Belcamp, MD USA - on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 11:14:33 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Patricia Hoffer E-Mail: < phoffer%20%40%20mbcomp.com>
Comments: Very nice site, very impressed with how you voiced
our opinions and believe that you would be a
reputable breeder to deal with. I will be back again
hopefully for a blue point himalayan!!!!!!!! Thanks
Located in: Lebanon, Pa USA - on Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 11:40:51 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Sandy Snyder E-Mail: < pointblue%20%40%20bright.net>
URL: http://members.tripod.com/izshe
Comments: Just surfing through. Thought all your cats are beautiful. Good luck in 2002.
Located in: Melmore, Oh USA - on Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 08:17:44 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: candace E-Mail: < candygurl_001%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: i want a white persian kitten they're so cute!
Located in: prentice, wi USA - on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 18:09:26 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: jess & sophe E-Mail: < little_jess%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Hi love this site, will be coming back for more visits, :)
Please come by ours,:)
Jess & Sophe
Located in: London, Uk - on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 10:39:02 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Susanne & Torben E-Mail: < mongrif%20%40%20tdcadsl.dk>
URL: http://home20.inet.tele.dk/mongrif
Comments: Hi from Denmark.
It was a pleasure to visit your homepage and see all of your beautiful cats. Feel free to visit our page and sign our guestbook. All the best in the future.
Best regards
Denmark - on Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 06:31:57 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Rick Seely E-Mail: < advisor%20%40%20gotpetsonline.com>
URL: http://www.gotpetsonline.com
Comments: Great chicken birds site!
Located in: Whitefish , MT. USA - on Friday, January 04, 2002 at 22:12:13 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.BeauGatos.com/index.html - BeauGatos Cats
Posted By: Bette Campbell E-Mail: < bphoenix%20%40%20worldnet.att.net>
URL: http://phoenixxflame.homestead.com
Comments: Your cats are indeed lovely--we own and operate a small cattery in Summerfield Florida having just moved here from Ky. You are invited to visit our web site. We will be showing 4 this year. We have Pajean, Marahei, Fountainhead, Twinshire to name a few. You can e-mail any one of your babies to us--collect!! We'll be pleased to pay shipping too!! Again, lovely babies. Congratulations. Bette
Located in: Summerfield, Fl USA - on Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 18:17:23 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: KB from KBs World E-Mail: < kbsworld2001%20%40%20yahoo.com.au.>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/kbakerkaz/index.html
Comments: There is no time
like the start
of the new year
for remembering
friends we cherish
and for sending
our Warmest and Best Wishes.
Happy New Year....
Happiness Always!
Hugs KB
Australia - on Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 14:37:05 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Nathan E-Mail: < nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: I had attempted to contact Miettecats and my e-mail was returned to me. Do you have an updated
e-mail address so that I may contact them? Thank you very much in advance. Great website and
beautiful kittens and cats.
Best regards, Nathan
Located in: Troy, MI USA - on Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 15:48:36 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Nathan E-Mail: < nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: Just a quick note to Christine. I have corresponded with her in the past. I want to know if she has any shaded Chincilla kittens or will she have any by spring 2002. Let me know. Thank you.
Located in: Troy, MI USA - on Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 12:05:28 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.rejouissanceCats.com/index.html - Rejouissance Cats
Posted By: Alta Ratliff E-Mail: < altabellacattery%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/altabellacattery/index.html
Comments: I just wanted to comment on what a WONDERFUL website you have and what lovely persians!
Best Wishes for the future,
AltaBella Cattery
Located in: Louisa, ky USA - on Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 08:39:09 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Laura Lowe E-Mail: < prettypoints45601%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: your cats are beautiful!!!!!!i may be interested in getting a lilac point kitten from you in the future whn you have one to add to my breeding program.i am working almost exclusively with the chocolate/lilac series!!!!
Located in: chillicothe, oh USA - on Monday, December 31, 2001 at 14:09:33 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Johan E-Mail: < allabouteyeglasses%20%40%20glasses.mybravenet.com>
URL: http://attractivewithglasses.org
Comments: I liked my visit to Katsation. Great pictures. Keep up the good work.
BE - on Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 08:36:33 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.purrsuits.com/index.html - Purrsuits Cattery
Posted By: wanted people E-Mail: < suka3000%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/reversearch/names.html
Comments: CharCat
I enjoyed looking at your cat pictures. I have a blue point kitten and wanted to see what he would look like full grown. I also have a tortie point and tortie shell. I am cat crazy and spoil them to death. I recently lost my flame point in October and it was the hardest thing I ever been through and I am still grieving. I would love to have some ICQ people to chat with that love cats as much as I do, if you have ICQ.
Thank you,
Located in: dallas , yx USA - on Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 07:02:52 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.hirscheez.com/index.html - Hirscheez Cattery
Posted By: Karin Broeders E-Mail: < karin%20%40%20jerbanicol.myweb.nl>
URL: http://www.jerbanicol.myweb.nl
Comments: Hi,
How nice it is to find your lovely Website and cats. I am just 'in love' with your flame point Exotic Male! Wishing you all the Best and a very Merry Christmas!
Kind regards,
Please visit our Website:
Located in: Kampen, The Netherlands - on Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 15:31:36 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.dacotahcats.com/index.html - Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Carolyn E-Mail: < ImCarolyn3%20%40%20aol.com>
Comments: I love your kitties! They are so cute!
USA - on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 17:08:29 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.miettecats.com/index.html - Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Julie Little E-Mail: < lilhvn%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: Very informative site and lovely cats/kitties. Would you be willing to sell a breeder kitten/cat to a small Canadian breeder? I'd like to improve my line, therefore creating more happy clients.
Julie Little
Li'l Heaven Cattery
(small but nice)
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (near Toronto & 3 hrs from Windsor)
Located in: Kitchener, Ontario Canada - on Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 14:35:39 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Jimmy & Jeanette E-Mail: < lesami%20%40%20heaven.dk>
URL: lesami.homepage.dk
Comments: Dear Jane!Oh,what a beautiful web-site you have,with a lot of lovely pictures of your wonderful cats.You have too many for me to name the ones I would love to have in my cattery.
But I can see we have a cat from the same mother( Alina´s Atlanta),your Daisy is so gorgeous.I sign your guestbook with pleasure.I hope you will find time to look my site and leave a message in my guestbook.Be sure I will soon be back again to see your lovely cats and kitties.
Best of Wishes from Cattery Lesami.
Denmark - on Sunday, December 02, 2001 at 11:56:25 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Owner E-Mail: < support%20%40%20zyban-prescriptions.ca>
Comments: Great site, keep up the good work.
Located in: Home, On USA - on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 20:23:10 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Ashley
Comments: Uschi,
You've made a really wonderful website! Great Job and I love talking to you in www.persian-cats.com !! Hope to see you again soon..
May God Bless You & Take Care.
USA - on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 19:26:50 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.Peekabooboxes.com/index.html - Peek-a-Boo Play Boxes
Posted By: Tsunami and Tsumiko E-Mail: < TsunamiTheCat%20%40%20aol.com>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/sirnami
Comments: We LOVE our Peek-a-boo box! It's the best present our mommy has bought for us and we play in it every day! Thanks to Rajah and his mommy Uschi for the beautiful box
Tsunami and Tsumiko
Located in: Atlanta, Ga USA - on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 18:23:19 (CST) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html - Katsation in General
Posted By: Heather Owens E-Mail: < howens%20%40%20seidata.com>
Comments: Uschi, this is a great website and my boys absolutly love their peek-a-boo box...just a little upset that they can't have it 'til Xmas. Will send pics after Xmas
Many Purrs
Heather,Simon and Hobie
Located in: Columbus, IN USA - on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 07:25:44 (CST) 
Posted By: Edna White E-Mail: < ewhite3522%20%40%20prodigy.net>
Comments: Hi:
Love those Peek-A-Boo Boxes. I may get one for my cats too.
Located in: Flint, Michigan USA - on Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 06:24:00 (CST) 
March 13, 2003 - November 16, 2003
November 05, 2002 - March 06, 2003
August 02, 2002 - November 01, 2002
April 1, 2002 - July 29, 2002
February 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002
December 1, 2001 - January 31, 2002
November 1, 2001 - November 30, 2001
October 1, 2001 - October 31, 2001
June 1, 2001 - September 30, 2001
February 1, 2001 - May 31, 2001
November 1, 2000 - January 31, 2001
July 1, 2000 - October 31, 2000
March 1, 2000 - June 30, 2000
November 1, 1999 - February 28, 2000
August 1, 1999 - October 31, 1999
February 1, 1999 - July 31, 1999
July 1, 1998 - January 31, 1999
February 09, 1998 - June 30, 1998
Katsation's Main Index
Any and All suggestions welcome.
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Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive