- Thank you for visiting our pages.
Barbara McCutcheon < dmccutc2%20%40%20bellsouth.net>
Enjoyed your site, was missing my cat, she passed 2/26/00 and visited to see some kittens/cats as sweet as my Jelly was.
Pacolet, S.C. USA - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 23:22:36 (EST) 
Christine Pometta
Thank you for sharing all of your lovely Kats & Kittens! They are simply beautiful.
Sacramento, CA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 04:09:18 (EST) 
Crystal Anne Jensen < kittygurl12%20%40%20hotmail.com>
I love cats... I raise them... I have a Himalayan...
He is a pure breed, and is a Seal-point... His name
is Sebastian... I love this site. Thanks
Codova, AK USA - Friday, February 25, 2000 at 18:13:47 (EST) 
Netty-Rinus Schut < sorrentina%20%40%20quicknet.nl>
Hi Sue, Lovely website with great cats! Congratulations and goodluck.
A big hello from Holland and the Sorrentina cats!
Rotterdam, Holland - Friday, February 25, 2000 at 16:59:13 (EST) 
Veronica < vsb9263%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Great site Diane! Maha sends his love.
philadelphia, pa USA - Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 22:29:32 (EST) 
Wendy (Aagenes) McAllister < rwjtc%20%40%20stellarnet.com>
Love your cats!! We have seen a few Rag Dolls around Devils Lake, but yours are the cutest! My family & I would love to visit you....we will email first! Thanks!
Devils Lake, ND USA - Monday, February 14, 2000 at 21:08:03 (EST) 
Marlin Aagenes < mda%20%40%20bevcomm.net>
What a beautiful web page. We would like to stop in and see your cats the next time we are in Valley City. We will e-mail before we come.
Blue Earth, MN USA - Saturday, February 12, 2000 at 09:21:15 (EST) 
Abigail Bowers < abigailbowers%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Eventually I would like to find a flame point kitten to purchase,
but this would be a couple of years down the road. Your cats are beautiful.
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 14:44:14 (EST) 
Leah Beck
I like this web site a lot and hope to visit it more often (if I don't forget the address!)
WA USA - Monday, January 31, 2000 at 18:40:51 (EST) 
Kim Richmond < kimkats1%20%40%20aol.com>
I have admired your cats every since i began! You have a nack for what your doing...Which you already know that! lol And it sure shows!! Very nice sight!!
london, OH USA - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 21:30:32 (EST) 
Caylla < rskinner%20%40%20octonet.com>
You have alot of really cute Cats. How old is your oldest cat. Do you have any Persians. You should name one of the cats Lego or Pinapple
Saanichton, British Columbia Canada - Wednesday, January 26, 2000 at 21:03:03 (EST) 
Denise Meeks < rm35122%20%40%20alltel.net>
Am looking for a ragdoll kitty. You have wonderful looking kitty's and so adorable.
Lincoln, NE USA - Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 11:48:32 (EST) 
Diana Puru < alamocattery%20%40%20xtra.co.nz>
Loved your site and your beauiful cats
Gore, New Zealand - Friday, January 21, 2000 at 04:34:26 (EST) 
Diana Woodard < woodard%20%40%20pei.sympatico.ca>
Love your site and you have beautiful babies. Keep up the good
Summerside, PE Canada - Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 18:55:55 (EST) 
Sara Smith < softballchick_va%20%40%20hotmail.com>
I really like you site, it's cute and has a lot of links and information. My fav. is the kitty stories.
Va Beach, Va USA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 16:25:34 (EST) 
Kathy & Kompany ~ KayLaDee Papillons < kayladeepaps%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Love your site.....what a lovely job and presentation....being also a cat lover....along with the paps.....it is so easy to love the two together.....Enjoyed the visit!!!
Leetsdale, PA USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 18:52:49 (EST) 
Your site is very informational and shows caring!!
NE USA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 10:33:47 (EST) 
Chuck Browder < drumerguy%20%40%20webtv.net>
Those Kittens & kittys are so Cutttttte
Bartow, FL USA - Monday, January 10, 2000 at 07:51:54 (EST) 
claudia Sneed < sneedc%20%40%20prodigy.net>
beautiful cats
lake forest, ca USA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:57:07 (EST) 
claudia Sneed < sneec%20%40%20prodigy.net>
a very nice site!
lake forest, ca USA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 17:56:11 (EST) 
jennifer powell < jennifer122%20%40%20webtv.net>
i would love to learn more about your cats i am looking for either breeds could you e-mail me back w/ some price lists of your kittens and upcomming litters? thank you.
cedar rapids, ia USA - Friday, January 07, 2000 at 16:24:07 (EST) 
Marianne Groven < purrbox%20%40%20c2i.net>
Dear Diane, I'm amazed of the wonderful quality on some of the kittens you have presented this passed year, congratulations!! -and all the best wishes for year 2000, Marianne In Norway:-)
OSLO, NORWAY - Monday, January 03, 2000 at 22:09:50 (EST) 
diana crocker < jafcjr%20%40%20presys.com>
I own a 9 mo old papillon female who misses her playmates at her breeders' home. I've been told
that gentle cats such as Persians make good friends for Papillons and vice versa. You have experi-
ence with this, would this be a solution for me and my Hattie? By the way, your cats are stunning-
ly beautiful. I had Siamese cats as a child, have had just American shorthairs since, no cats now
for about 8 years. Your cats are very appealing. And your web site and photos are marvelous. I've
thought of another pap for Hattie, but she enjoys being the only dog, I think. A cat wouldn't change
that; would add an entirely new element to the equation, one I think I would really enjoy also.
florence, OR USA - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 04:24:02 (EST) 
nancy < nancyc%20%40%20gdi.net>
I really enjoyed your website I will be getting a tortoiseshell persian female this week and I am excited I'll be getting a male next month. I have one question I saw on the petopia web site tortoise shell persian cats have a hard time breeding is this true because they are lacking a chromosone because I don't want to have any problems with my female that's why I'm buying her for a loving pet and to make kittens someday with the mail I am a single mom and I thought the income would help a little. Please e-mail me at nancyc%20%40%20gdi.net if you have any advice for me please hopefully the tortoises shell female I do get will be able to breed no problem let's hope so. Happy New Year! Sincerely, nancy
orlando, FL USA - Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 02:31:15 (EST) 
Susan < dsgreene%20%40%20uswest.net>
I have just lost my 5 month old lilac himalayan to a vaccination reaction and I am now searching
for a new kitten. I am interested in finding a breeder in the Boise area or at least the Northwest
who has a chocolate himalayan kitten available as soon as possible. My 3 kids are just heartbroken
and are desperate for a new kitten.
Boise, Idaho USA - Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 21:31:18 (EST) 
Leona Sorensen < lsorensen%20%40%20cauto.com>
I've had "Kumfee" (a beautiful red Persian) now for several weeks and he is so precious, although he
tends to awaken me at 5:30 a.m. by just plopping down on top of my head and pawing my face!
He is getting to be a big boy (6 mos old now). Next month we'll get him a buddy to keep him
"kompany"... His buddy's name will be "Kozy"... I can hardly wait!
hometown, il USA - Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 10:34:15 (EST) 
Rachel < rachelad%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Hi there! Just looking for info on cats and stumbled upon your site. It's really great! Take care.
MI USA - Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 13:27:47 (EST) 
Tyna Ann Couch < tyna1%20%40%20hotmail.com>
I just surfed in and thought that I would take a moment to comment on your beautiful kitties. They are gorgeous! I invite you to visit my website, too! SequinZ Silver and Golden Persians and Exotics
USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 11:12:07 (EST) 
Fort Payne Alabama City Limits < webmaster%20%40%20fortpayne.com>
Enjoyed visiting this site. Hope everyone has some great and Happy Holidays!
Fort Payne, AL USA - Monday, December 20, 1999 at 09:37:24 (EST) 
Amy Strahl & Rick Smith < soujourn%20%40%20erols.com>
Thanks again Diane for the great advise and formula to use to wipe our kittens face. We enjoyed
talking with you at the Giathersburg Show and hope maybe to see you again at Essex Community
college. We did look for you at Tall Cedars...Our Bill willl hopefully be on display at ECC. He was
9/5/99 so should be ready; if only we are. So if you see a 4 month old, bi-color, gray & white Zot;
Heida Zot Nanny's Sweet William-BILL; stop by and say Hi....
Rick & Amy
Baltimore, MD USA - Sunday, December 19, 1999 at 15:09:19 (EST) 
Cindy < leberc%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Love your site. Do you do shows in the Central Florida area? If you do please email me to let me know. Would love to attend one of your shows.
Lakeland, FL USA - Friday, December 17, 1999 at 17:48:41 (EST) 
Amy and kitties < cadwiz%20%40%20cros.net>
Lovely cats! As an owner of a cream Persian, I can attest to their beauty and wonderful personalities. I've been bitten by the Persian bug, and will be a lifetime fan of the breed.
Oak Harbor, OH USA - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 13:33:54 (EST) 
Debra Williams < kountrylovin%20%40%20psci.net>
How are you guys doing? Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sue I have a tortie female out of Elvis and Pattycakes(same pedigree as GC RW Kountrylovin Crimson Tide of Pamola that you might be interested in. Give me a call or email.
Richland, In USA - Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 20:09:33 (EST) 
Susanne Olsen < catways%20%40%20mail.tele.dk>
Hello Diane!
Great homepage... Love your cats. What a special cat Hooley Booley!! I saw one of his daughters here in Denmark the other day. Also a beatyful cat. I'm the vice-president of a danish special club for Himmies. If you have the time and energy, I would look forward to hear from you with a story of your cattery, for our magazine "Colourpointen". I hope to hear from you!
Once again; lovely cats.
All the best wishes for a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, from Susanne.
Denmark - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 19:28:43 (EST) 
Glenn & Karen Pratt Oceanpurrls < dgaskin%20%40%20direct.ca>
It was nice meeting you at the cat show in Portland OR You have beautiful cats on your web site.We look forward to hear from you.
Victoria, BC Canada - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 22:12:22 (EST) 
Glenn & Karen Pratt Oceanpurrls < dgaskin%20%40%20direct.ca>
It was nice meeting you in Portland Or at the cat show. You have beautiful cats.We are looking for a black female persian look forward to hearing from you.
Victoria, BC Canada - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 22:06:32 (EST) 
Sacha < ice_2000%20%40%20primus.com>
Ilove cats so much great page i think you did realy good but most of all i love the picturs of hte cats they are so cute keep up the good work all the best
Brisbane, Qld Australia - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 01:38:04 (EST) 
Becky Riddell < Riddells22%20%40%20aol.com>
I loved your page! I am a big cat lover and me and my daughter oowwed and aahhed over each page! You have such beautiful cats. I only have one cat now, but I have bottlefed 15 over the past two years. They are not any kind of exotic cats, but I still love them all. They have all been adopted out, if you would like to see some of my pets and family pics check out my homepage! Keep up the good work, thanks! Becky!
KY USA - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 14:45:18 (EST) 
Hege-Christin Stubberud < shamdiar%20%40%20online.no>
Hi! I really enjoyed your pages, their great.
I got my first homepage up and running sunday 05.12.99, so it is not so much there yet.
I loved your cats and i hope i can join your breed list.
I breed Angora(Javanese in Norway), and Maine Coon
Hege-Christin Stubberud
Horten, Norway - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 12:46:17 (EST) 
My cats Acura and Peedge are expriencing their first Christmas ever. I put up my x-mas tree the other day . In the middle of the night I woke up to see the tree moving. So I went to look to see what they were doing. To my surprise I greeted Peedge at the door way as if she was a look out for Acura. I walked towards the tree and Acura was sitting in the middle of it.
Lacombe, Alberta Canada - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 16:12:40 (EST) 
G. Wotton < grw%20%40%20efn.com>
Caring for (& vice versa) a found lynxpoint/tabby(?) for the last 8 years, I've come to think that her excellent personality may be over 75% genetic, and I know I'll need more of the same in a few years-any suggestions? Thanks very much.
eugene, or USA - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 13:21:37 (EST) 
Judy Butler < jbutler1%20%40%20execulink.com>
I love your web site. I have two Flame point Himalayns (neutered). I wish to become a breeder in the future. I am looking for a source to acquire Himalayans and/or Persians to begin breeding.
Paris, On Canada - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 11:58:23 (EST) 
Jodi L. Field < jlf%20%40%20lakefield.net>
I really enjoy this web site, I visit very often. It's nice to see that people really do care and love
their cats. I know I couldn't live without my baby. She's the best. Thanks for you time.
Manitowoc , WI USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 23:55:08 (EST) 
Leona Sorensen < leona.sorensen%20%40%20experian.com>
Love Kats!
Hometown, il USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 18:41:32 (EST) 
Cindy Swier
This is great! A web page dedicated to our feline friends. I am very much a cat lover. I have two cats at home that just turned 6 months old. Acura and Peedge. Acura is a multicolored and Peedge is all black.They love to play. They even are picky when it comes to toys. Acura likes little balls that look like tinsel and Peedge likes furry mice toys. They love to sit and cuddle with me when ever I am home and they also like to purr all night long on my face when I am trying to sleep. What can I say my two cats are my pride and joy.
Lacombe, Alta Canada - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 15:53:43 (EST) 
Shauna Parchey < shellp%20%40%20acsworld.net>
I love your site......your seal point reminds me of mine (Sassy). I love himalayans & persians..
they are amazing animals!!! Keep up the lovely work on your site. I enjoy it very much!!
McVeytown, PA USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 00:20:43 (EST) 
Shauna Parchey < shellp%20%40%20acsworld.net>
I love your site......your seal point reminds me of mine (Sassy). I love himalayans & persians..
they are amazing animals!!! Keep up the lovely work on your site. I enjoy it very much!!
McVeytown, PA USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 00:19:44 (EST) 
Beth Cummings < mtc350%20%40%20gateway.net>
This is a BEAUTIFUL website. Your cats, as I'm sure you know, are absolutely lovely.
Moorhead, MN USA - Friday, November 26, 1999 at 17:50:37 (EST) 
Vicki Minnix < vminnix%20%40%20bellsouth.net>
Dear Sue,
I got back from the international. Commader picked up a few grand points and the photographer from Cats Magazine took his picture. I'm still waiting on CFA to send papers on kittens so I canget them sold and send you $$$ for Nani. How is she? Give her a hug and a kiss & tell her I'm thinking of her. I still get misty eyed when I think about Boo. It still hurts but not as bad. Love your site and your kitty companions have produced some beautiful babies. Love to Nani. Vicki
Columbia, SC USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 15:47:32 (EST) 
Lise-Lotte Bjarnhof < bjarnhof%20%40%20ppp.dknet.dk>
Hello Diane
As a Himmi lover I must congratulate you with your lovely cats.
Marry christmas and a happy new year from a small Himalayan
cat club in Denmark. Lise-Lotte
Copenhagen, Denmark - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 15:04:23 (EST) 
Romain Abos
I enjoyed visiting all those quite intersting pages concerning cats and breeders.
I hope that more will join to katsation.
Congratulations on the whole set-up.
Prevessin, 01 France - Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 04:30:08 (EST) 
Patricia Gaywood < ron.gaywood%20%40%20cableinet.co.uk>
Very well detailed
Essex, England - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 14:28:23 (EST) 
Betty Stephens < skybank%20%40%20bigpond.com>
Congratulations on great web site & lovely cats, you are achieving so much in what you are breeding.. Best wishes for the future,
from Betty
Launceston, Tasmania Australia - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 15:15:23 (EST) 
Joyce R. Pickford < rosjoy.persians%20%40%20lineone.net.uk>
Nice to see your Internet entry. Hope you are all well.Don't know if you remember me. I visited your home some years ago and you offered me Rumour has it, which I bought in partnership with Doug Debate.Rumour lived with me for two years and I loved him very much, but when I wouldn't do what Doug wanted, show where he told me and befriend only those he told me I could, he got nasty, and took Rumour away from me, and spread some rather nasty stories about me. Noel Newton has never spoken to me since, and refuses to answer Xmas cards, letters, etc., so I can't imagine what sort of malicious lies Doug has told her. I loved Rumour very much and we were heart broken when Doug rang on Boxing day to say that he was taking Rumour away from us. Please don't believe what he has told you. All my cats are loved and treated with the best love and attention.Ask anyone in the cat fancy that has not been poisoned by the malicious lies he has spread because I refused to be dominated by this supposed god loving individual. Anyway, I have chosen to put that part of my past behind me and get on with what I love to do most.Look after and love my cats. By the way, I had some beautiful kittens from Rumor and I thank you very much for the opportunity to enjoy one of your beautiful cats.. John & Joyce Pickford, 44*1614310420
Stockport,Cheshire, England - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 03:49:00 (EST) 
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Katsation's Main Index
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