- Thank you for visiting our pages.
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Erick SEBAN-MEYER E-Mail: < fashion%20%40%20riviera-magazine.com>
URL: http://photographedemode.com/
Comments: Loved you site ;-)
By the way if you are looking information about fashion photography you can go and visit this site by clicking here !
Located in: Monte-Carlo, mc France - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 15:43:46 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Star Light E-Mail: < star.light%20%40%20mega.ee>
URL: http://www.expage.com/teensandkids
Comments: It%20%40%20s GREATE site!I like sign in guestbook!!!Visit my homepage,sometime!!!
Estonia - on Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 10:22:51 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/miettecats/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Zee E-Mail: < felines%20%40%20msinter.net>
URL: http://www.geocities.com/maxnkoko/index.html
Comments: Hi There, Great graphics!! Your cats are adoreable,
do stop by and see us sometime too.
Located in: Hutchinson, KS USA - on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 18:51:36 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Ginny E-Mail: < ginnycrafts%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: I had a very enjoyable visit. Will return often.
USA - on Monday, June 26, 2000 at 08:08:59 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/dacotah/index.html Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Eva-Lena Kristoffersson E-Mail: < ev.kristofferson%20%40%20telia.com>
URL: http://members.tripod.com/evkr
Comments: I just love the photos of your cats. I got 4 European shorthair. Keep up the good work.

Located in: Staffanstorp, Sweden - on Monday, June 26, 2000 at 02:46:22 (EDT) 
Posted By: Mary Conway -Angelwings cattery E-Mail: < mpacker%20%40%20cub.kcnet.org>
Comments: I truly enjoyed seeing your kittens, I would love to here from other cat people as I'm a newbe . I have only breeding and showing for about two years. I also believe in small catteries even though some of my friends feel diferently. I need to me other friends.Thank you for your time . Mary
Located in: Lock Haven, PA. USA - on Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 01:03:49 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Jake Neely E-Mail: < ar%20%40%20toonscape.com>
URL: http://www.toonscape.com
Comments: All cat and kitty lovers, please go check out www.toonscape.com under the comic strip section... there's some loveable strips about little kitties......... awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh
Located in: San Diego, CA USA - on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 18:08:35 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: martha balcum E-Mail: < mbalcum%20%40%20webtv.net>
Comments: I love all the cats! wish i could have them all!
Located in: syracuse, n.y. USA - on Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 14:35:49 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: martha balcum E-Mail: < mbalcum%20%40%20webtv.net>
Comments: I love all the cats! wish i could have them all!
Located in: syracuse, n.y. USA - on Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 14:34:19 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/dacotah/index.html Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Barbara (Burr) Ward E-Mail: < bkward%20%40%20ala.net>
Comments: Love the site. Ran accross it looking for maine coon kittens.... My family is from North Dakota. Dad (Lehr), mom (Whishek). My parents are currently vacationing on their Harley there (Carrington) where my Uncle lives. I am looking for a maine coon to purchase but very worried about transportaion to Dothan,ALabama. Barbara
Located in: Dothan, AL USA - on Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 10:45:57 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: T. R. Allen E-Mail: < edigital%20%40%20netscape.net>
URL: http://www.edigitalbooks.com
Comments: Love the cat face animation on your site. I am the Manager of E-Digital Books, LLC. We have a photographic e-book Series for children of East African Wildlife in English and Swahili!
CO USA - on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 22:00:08 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Sue Lake E-Mail: < SUEZ63%20%40%20webtv.net>
Comments: This is a nice site. Very beautiful kittens in here! Thank you
Located in: Benton, Il USA - on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 22:13:23 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Melanie L. E-Mail: < chosenreject%20%40%20hotsheet.com>
Comments: I think those cats are adorable!!!!! Especially Sweet Pea!!!!!
Located in: durendsville, NC USA - on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 14:55:03 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Nathan E-Mail: < nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: Great site for Miettecats. Visited it again and am impressed with your animals. Do you have any new kittens and how old? Male or female?
Best regards,
Located in: Dearborn, MI USA - on Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 12:17:09 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Patrick Duffy E-Mail: < PattyWack2M%20%40%20hotmail.com>
Comments: I just love your cats and I think that you did a wounderful job.
P.S. I own a Himalayan too.
Located in: NOTL, Canada - on Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 07:26:54 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: corinne E-Mail: < corinnemontgomerie%20%40%20juno.com>
Comments: what beautiful kitties together with lovely graphics! Your bio was one I can identfy with too, having children, but those little pansy faced kitties are so sweet! Still looking for a local black Persian little boy to join my himmie and cream Persian!
Located in: sebastian, fl USA - on Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 23:19:39 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/miettecats/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Nathan Zelbinski Jr. E-Mail: < nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com>
URL: http://www.nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com
Comments: Very nice looking website. Easy to negotiate around and your stock looks great. I would be interested in purchasing but am checking some other sites as well. I have a fondness for Himalayans. Good luck with the business. See you at the cat shows.
Located in: Dearborn, MI USA - on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 14:07:28 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/home.html Katsation Cats
Posted By: Åsa E-Mail: < heros%20%40%20telia.com>
Comments: Hello.
I realy liket your site very nice and I loved the cats.
Sweden - on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 15:36:34 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Dave E-Mail: < oelke%20%40%20mindspring.com>
Comments: Why does my full grown cat walk around the house meowing so much? He's well taken
taken care of,is given love and affection, and so forth. He was born and weaned in a
Dairy Queen parking lot. We've had him for two years now, but still meows mournfully.
Outside he doesn't, just indoors. He doesn't always want to go outside either. He still
acts nervous like a cat born and raised outdoors, but again he's had a comfortable
home and good care and affection for two years now! What is up with this cat? Also,
he does not appear or act sick or hurt in any way. Thanks for any helpful comments
andyone out there can give me! Dave.
USA - on Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 10:11:33 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/miettecats/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: Robert & Rose-Marie Power E-Mail: < rdpower%20%40%20accex.net>
Comments: Nice presentation!
Located in: Apple Valley , Ca USA - on Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 17:21:11 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Deann Steigleman E-Mail: < dean%20%40%20harborside.com>
Comments: Good job Diane. Flirty is wonderful!
Located in: Reedsport, or USA - on Monday, May 15, 2000 at 19:12:39 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/dacotah/index.html Dacotah Cattery
Posted By: Randy E-Mail: < ranboy%20%40%20home.com>
Comments: Just happened to be looking at maine coons(as we have 2 of them) and noticed Shacado. He is the father of our 8 year old "Jackson". We got him from Laurel when she was in Saskatchewan. Jackson looks just like him. Is Shacado with you or does Laurel still have him. We haven't talked to Luarel in years. Nice looking site by the way.
Located in: Toronto, Ont Canada - on Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 19:40:14 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/index2.html Katsation in General
Posted By: Johanna Davis E-Mail: < kilada%20%40%20home.com>
Comments: I found your web page to be beautiful. It is extremely well laid out and logically ordered.
Your cats are extremely beautiful as well. It is just wonderful that you have maintained the sweet faces that Persians are famous for.
Well done!!
Located in: Winnipeg, MB Canada - on Friday, May 05, 2000 at 19:41:22 (EDT) 
Feedback for: http://www.katsation.com/miettecats/index.html Miettecats Cattery
Posted By: nzb6jr E-Mail: < nzb6jr%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Comments: Love your website. Very easy to read and great photos. Congratulations and good luck with the cattery.
This is a competitive business, as you know.
Located in: Detroit, MI USA - on Thursday, May 04, 2000 at 11:18:56 (EDT) 
Posted By: Caroline and Nancy E-Mail: < katzanovacattery%20%40%20home.com>
URL: http://www.katzanova.com
Comments: We just love ALL of your Playwickey kitties! We have a seal point male just like your "Sweet Talk", our boy "Rocky Balboa". Your " Yankee Clipper" flame is like our "Buffy Ste.Marie". She is due on June 9th,2000. Your "Pixann" is what we hope our new tortie girl will grow up to look like. We really like the Demiara lines. Great site! We love Himalayans too! Keep up the great work! =^. .^=
Located in: London, on Canada - on Monday, May 01, 2000 at 02:14:04 (EDT) 
Posted By: Paula Millard E-Mail: < pmillard%20%40%20sentex.net>
URL: http://geocities.com/paulaspride
Comments: Purchased our first lilac, lilac cream and chocolates last September. Finally getting to set up web site and yours is a marvellous example to learn from. Thank Paula
Located in: Kitchener, Ont Canada - on Saturday, April 29, 2000 at 13:55:04 (EDT) 
Posted By: Eva-Lena Kristoffersson E-Mail: < ev.kristoffersson%20%40%20telia.com>
URL: http://members.tripod.com/evkr
Comments: What a wonderful site with many wonderful pictures. Is´nt kittens the most beautiful of the feline world
Located in: Staffanstorp, Sweden - on Saturday, April 29, 2000 at 05:01:31 (EDT) 
Excelant website i hope you get more nice pictures
Truro, England - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 16:47:00 (EDT) 
kelly chandler < aerochan%20%40%20frontiernet.net>
I am really interested in getting a tortie kitten as soon as possible. Where are you located?
excel, al USA - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 15:29:20 (EDT) 
Darlene < trix0410%20%40%20aol.com>
Great site Diane, Isabella sends her love and hello's
brooklawn, nj USA - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 14:54:33 (EDT) 
Sue < sukiscats%20%40%20prodigy.net>
Loved your site! Fabulous kitties... Come visit me too, and please sign my GB.
Cornelius, Or USA - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 11:30:45 (EDT) 
Harry & Paulette Grasso < harrpaul%20%40%20webtv.net>
Great site, very informative and helpful.We sent our cat page to you a few days ago to be placed in your "Cat Pictures" links.Will stop back again.
NJ USA - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 15:46:16 (EDT) 
Pam Black, KARRES Himalayans & Persians < karres%20%40%20mindspring.com>
Met you at a show in New Jersey last summer. You were very nice about my cream point boy and you were showing a lovely seal point kitten. Like your website very much and your kitties. Would like to get a kitten from you someday. Thanks again for being so nice...Pam
lawrenceville, ga USA - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 03:34:52 (EDT) 
Natalja Bik-Galutskaja < natalja.bik%20%40%20quickonline.nl>
I am a Russian Blue breeder. Cattery Galitsija from Russia with Tenderness...
Ryswyk, Z Holland - Friday, March 31, 2000 at 16:01:24 (EST) 
Nathan Lewer < natlewer%20%40%20one.net.au>
what is the best site for photos of Blue persians
on the net?
Sydney, Australia - Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 16:50:45 (EST) 
Stacey Feeser < slyboots68%20%40%20aol.com>
Interested in Red Male Persians
Horsham, PA USA - Sunday, March 26, 2000 at 00:17:06 (EST) 
Barbara Bennett < Ashbarbarb%20%40%20aol.com>
Awesome, awesome cats!!! Flirty is unbelievable!! What a great example of what to strive for!!
Sarasota, FL USA - Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 21:14:04 (EST) 
Caitlin Cameron < johnpam2%20%40%20bellsouth.net>
We are interested in a pet quaility kitten for our grandaughter Caitlin. She likes the Red color ones, please contact us when you have some for sale. John & Pam Lewis
Huntsville, Al USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 21:16:41 (EST) 
cindy sweir
just wanna say that i absolutely love this site
lacombe, alta canada - Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 17:33:52 (EST) 
Daniel Mehling < danielmmehling%20%40%20yahoo.com>
Great site!!!
Alexandria, va USA - Friday, March 10, 2000 at 14:03:43 (EST) 
Holly B < bboerhave%20%40%20msn.com>
What beautiful kittens. I am highly allergic to cats and did not know that there were some that I could possibly tolerate. My husband wants a cat, BADLY. I want to give him one someday.
Norway, IA USA - Monday, March 06, 2000 at 22:12:55 (EST) 
Jan Kiser < janki%20%40%20csonline.net>
Love your kitties. I am a small breeder of Himalayans. I currently have 2 sealpoint females and a blue persian female. I will keep you in mind. I'd love to have a red persian someday.
Utica, PA USA - Monday, March 06, 2000 at 19:52:34 (EST) 
Petra Jasiczek < ZajasMC%20%40%20gmx.net>
I surf around the net and find your wonderful websites. They're very interesting and good designed. You've wonderful cats.
Good luck for the future.
Petra Jasiczek
Mülheim, NRW Germany - Friday, March 03, 2000 at 05:35:43 (EST) 
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Katsation's Main Index
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