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Letter 3
Remember me? I lived with you for the first few months of my life.
My name is Sapphire Claeson. You may remember me as the torti point
Himalayan kitten that had to be involved in everything you did.
Well then those nice people came to see me, and the next day they
took me to their home, where I've been ever since (aside from
occasional visits to "Grandma and Grandpa's House" and "the vet"
(I don't like "the vet"). I'm writing to tell you that I am doing
wonderful, although occasionally I miss you and my old siblings
from time to time. But these new people, whom I refer to as
Mommy and Daddy, take really good care of me and love me an awful lot,
they play with me all the time, buy me really neat toys, feed me
this really yummy food.
My new sister, Sylvia, is a @#$?%! most of
the time, but I can take her anytime I please. Just a slap on her
nose and she leaves me alone for a little while. Sometimes she plays
nice with me but we really aren't very close, yet.
My mommy says that I just need to give her time to adjust. All in
all, she is not hissing at me as much anymore. We can even be
in the 20 same room without too much trouble. Well, this is all that
I really have to tell you. I sleep, play, eat, play, and sleep.
I'm really happy here so I don't want you to worry about me too much.
I wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me when I was first
born. "the vet" says I am really healthy.
Thank you!
I hope you have a nice holiday. Give my love to all my old siblings.
Sapphire Claeson
Michele C. Claeson
Sapphire Writes again!
To Letter 4
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