Letter 5

My name is Sapphire Claeson. I was born at your house on August 31, 1997.
Then these really nice people came to play with me on December 6, 1997, and the next day they took me to their
house, where I've been ever since! I wanted to write and tell you how I've been this past year! I also wanted to
send a picture of my big sister, Sylvia, whom I just love to pester and me!
Sylvia is okay for the most part and
tolerates me most times. I love to start fights with her . . . she'll be sleeping and minding her own business and
I'll walk by and just throw a punch or two at her. And for some reason, would you believe, she gets up and
chases me and beats the living daylights out of me! Can you believe that?
Gee whiz . . . I only wanted to play
with her! We like to chase each other around the apartment and climb all over my mommy's furniture! And
boy do I love ICE CUBES! Every time my mommy or daddy goes to get some from the freezer, I come
running and begging for one! They are soooo neat! I love to paw them around the floor and stare at them
till they melt away. Boy that sure takes a long time! And then when they are gone, I cry and cry!
I love to
make noise! I make noise for no reason at all! When my mommy leaves the room, I howl! I can see her
leave and I know where she is going because I watch her . . . but I let out a big ole howl and run after her
crying like a baby!
I love to talk! I try to talk to my mommy all night long, but she doesn't answer. She just
lies there snoring. So I try pawing at her head . . . and when that doesn't work, I groom her hair. That usually
wakes her up! And then she pets me all over and I'm happy. She always makes daddy give me one of his
pillows to sleep on at night.
I don't like her pillows, too mushy! And boy does my daddy know where to
rub me! He rubs my tummy and I roll over and if I extend my arm all the way out in front of me, he'll rub it too.
That feels so good! When I get lonely, I walk around the apartment chirping, hoping someone will come find
out what's wrong with me!
And when I see the birds fly by the window in the morning on my special bird
watching perch, I BARK at them! Everyone thinks dogs are so smart, but I am smarter because I can
MEOW and BARK! It's been really fun here, but I've had my moments! I pooped on my mommy's
brand new comforter THREE TIMES in one week! She got pretty mad at me so I didn't do it anymore!
I don't like to be yelled at! If I let my eyes well up with tears, she'll forgive just about anything!
that's pretty much how the past year has been! I wanted to thank you for letting me go home with these
nice people.
I have a really good life and I'm happy here!
Thanks, Sue!
Sapphire Claeson
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